Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 14 of Recovery

Today makes 2 weeks since the surgery day and Gabby is pretty much back to normal. She is going out to eat tonight (with her friends) to celebrate her birthday, which is next week. She looks so beautiful with her hair and makeup done. She is able to eat pasta that is cooked well, by mashing it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. Gabby is anxious to visit the surgeon again to make sure the rubber bands are doing what they are supposed to do. She does not complain of pain anymore. Her current weight is 119.5 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely amazing!!! You were incredibly beautiful pre-surgery but amazingly beautiful now. What a new look! Maybe your surgeon could do something with this ass!! Ha. Congrats on your successful surgery and speedy recovery! You will be raring to go Wednesday night!! Happy Birthday! Happy College Send-Off!! We are thinking of you. Love, Erin, Bob, and the many kiddos
